
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Why have a white door, when it can be BLUE?!

So it took some real convincing, but I was able to persuade my hubs into painting the front door a color! I know that some people really don't prefer to do this, but I am not one of them!!! I think it makes a house stand out, to really be different then the neighbors, and gives it some extra curb appeal.

Since most of our home things are in the blue tones, we found it only suiting to paint the door a shade of blue...but what shade??? There are so many to blues choose from [thanks to my father in law for loaning us his color wheel]. It made our decision that much more difficult.

One day while I was at OSH, I spotted a white discounted outdoor paint, so I decided to snatch it up, until we could make our color decision. We finally came to the conclusion at we wanted a sort of grayish-blue, so we took the paint and had it mixed to a blue we thought was perfect. It ended up coming out looking much more like a light baby blue, which was just not going to work...

So back to OSH I went with the color wheel. I explained it just wasn't the color we had envisioned and they gladly remixed the paint to a more "grayish blue" and we are quite pleased with the outcome![Please look past the missing wreath, unpainted fixture, and dying plant].I will put up more pictures when we get the front looking more "complete".

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