
Monday, October 31, 2011

Vaseline is Va Va Voom!!!

So the winter months are quickly approaching and I don't know about you, but I have already noticed a change in my skin…dry spots!

I know that Vaseline (Petroleum Jelly) might not be the most thrilling pampering product you would think to buy, but I will tell you, it works moisturizing and protecting wonders! Especially during the winter months…AND you can pick up a 13 oz tub for less than $5 bucks at any drug store.

Here are multiple ways women OR men can use it:

* Apply to cracked or dry cuticles.

* Use it as a lip balm. I do this actually on a nightly basis. It keeps my lips soft and really prevents them from getting dry and cracked.

* Use on any dry spot after exfoliating. (Elbows, heels, knees, etc.) Tip: Apply Vaseline to your feet, put socks on overnight or at least an hour…you will see a surprising outcome!Trust me, your cozy toesies will thank you!

* Apply to wind burned cheeks.

I love how Petroleum Jelly contains a great seal and protect formula, along with being hypoallergenic. The only thing it lacks, in my opinion, is an SPF. So I use a daily SPF moisturizer on my face too. I also prefer to use the “baby” Vaseline vs the original Vaseline because it has a mild "baby fresh"scent.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Nephew Logan: A Rare Gem

This is Logan

If you don’t know him, YOU are truly missing out on knowing one of the most remarkable little boys there is! Logan was born with a rare syndrome called Cri du chat aka Cry of the Cat. It is caused by a deletion on the short arm of chromosome 5. This affects an estimated 1 in 50,000 newborns. Some of the symptoms include: cat-like-cry, low birth weight, poor growth, several problems occur inside the body, as well. A small number of children have heart defects, muscular or skeletal problems, hearing or sight problems, or poor muscle tone. As they grow, people with cri-du-chat usually have difficulty walking and talking correctly. Info found here: This link has great information on the syndrome, if anyone wants to read more.

Logan will be having major surgery on his hips this coming Thursday, November the 3rd and will have to be in a cast from the waist down for about month. I am asking everyone that reads this to please keep him and my brother, Rusty, in your prayers next week! I think Logan is such an astounding and special gift from God. He has truly blessed and brought my life so much joy. Whenever I see him, he has a way with making me so happy, no matter what my mood. He was created exactly the way God wanted him and he has already affected many, in the short 6 years of his life. I know that Logan was brought into my family because God knew that, my brother especially, would be able to take such incredible care of him. Logan recently participated in the “Smokey Bear Run” at Bass Lake and received 1st place! He currently lives at my family’s ranch in Coarsegold, with his dad, Rusty. Logan attends school at Coarsegold Elementary, where there are 4 special education programs: Behavior Intervention K-8th, then 3 moderate/severe disability classes: Preschool/Kindergarten, 1st-4th grades, and 5th-8th grades. Logan is in the 1st-4th class. He currently has 9 kids in his class and receives OT & PT once a week at school. Logan also brought his previous teacher, Amanda Hinkle into our lives, who is amazing with Logan and also my brother’s Girlfriend.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Homemade Ramen-type soup for my soul!

I have been sick for about 5 days now with flu/cold like symptoms and today making homemade soup just sounded amazing. I was hoping we had some soup-type ingredients already because there is NO way I was going to go to the store today...but thank goodness, we did!

It is soo easy and yummy to make this Ramen type soup. Also, lets get it out of the way, I am not the type of person to ever follow cooking/baking directions exactly...

Anyways, I pulled together things we had already:

About 6 Carrots
An Onion (Chopped)
6 cups of Chicken Broth
Leftover chicken pieces from last night's dinner
1/2 pkg of Soba noodles (this is what gives the Ramen feel)

Directions are very easy:

Boil the broth. Add clean, chopped carrots and onion and let boil for about 9 min-10 min or until the carrots are tender. Add the Soba noodles and simmer for about 2 min. Lastly, add the cooked chicken and serve. Simple as that and perfect on a fall, winter or sick day.

A side note- Some studies have shown, it is not a myth, that soup can actually make you feel better!

Coffee Brewer's: a delicious & simple little tip

Just thought I would share a little idea my husband came up with quite some time ago. We do it every time we brew coffee and if you know us, that is OFTEN!...

All you do is grind your coffee(if you grind it yourself-we do because we like it fresh), otherwise just scoop the desired amount of coffee into your pot...

sprinkle cinnamon on top...

and then brew...

So easy and sooo delicious...Enjoy!

Friday, October 28, 2011


Halloween is already almost here...and I must say, I'm pretty bummed its on a Monday this year because I work ALL day! (Good thing my little girls are both being adorable pink Mini Mouse's). In the evening, we will probably just hand out candy, IF anyone even stops by our appartment! Nick and I usually have a Halloween party, where I get to go on a search for all my Halloween themed supplies and decorate, but I'm just not seeing that happen this year. With all the "potential" moving, things around the appartment are in such disarray. I think I'd be to embarrassed to have anyone over for a party. We also usually go to a corn maze or do something Halloween-ish like that, but that just didn't happen this year either!

There have been 3 festive things, however, that I have still been able to do:

1. Carve Pumpkins with my dear friend Heather and her Boyfriend Roberto!

2. Paint Candy Corn Nails!

3. Bake some Pumpkin Spice bread!

I'm hoping to be settled into a home waaaay before next Halloween, so we can fully enjoy all the holidays have to offer and I can continue on with my little traditions!

Hello, From My Pink Lips!

So this is going to be my temporary blog, until my superman, graphic designer, husband can create me a fabulous one- when he has a break from school in December! Until then...welcome to this blog! I’ve wanted to do a personal blog for some time now, but my life just hasn't been allowing it. I’ve done a personal wedding blog- that was extremely LAME. I think we only put up one or two posts during our entire engagement….and then I’ve done a work blog- exactly as it sounds, work. However, I did get to write about pretty much whatever "wedding stuff" I wanted, its just not the same when you HAVE to do something. That being said, I’m really eager to get to write about whatever I want! I think having my own blog will help me express some creativeness, thoughts and hopefully stay connected with family and friends who I don’t get to see often. I also find it socially difficult being around children all day, as there are not many substantial conversations. Hopefully this will help prevent me from talking my hubby buns ear off when I get home from work!