
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Coffee Brewer's: a delicious & simple little tip

Just thought I would share a little idea my husband came up with quite some time ago. We do it every time we brew coffee and if you know us, that is OFTEN!...

All you do is grind your coffee(if you grind it yourself-we do because we like it fresh), otherwise just scoop the desired amount of coffee into your pot...

sprinkle cinnamon on top...

and then brew...

So easy and sooo delicious...Enjoy!


  1. Ashley, I do this too! It's so yummy! You should try it with pumpkin pie seasoning, too! Really good!

  2. Kristin- pumpkin pie seasoning is a fabulous idea too! I will defiantly be trying that tomorrow. :) Thanks for the tip!!!
