
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Homemade Ramen-type soup for my soul!

I have been sick for about 5 days now with flu/cold like symptoms and today making homemade soup just sounded amazing. I was hoping we had some soup-type ingredients already because there is NO way I was going to go to the store today...but thank goodness, we did!

It is soo easy and yummy to make this Ramen type soup. Also, lets get it out of the way, I am not the type of person to ever follow cooking/baking directions exactly...

Anyways, I pulled together things we had already:

About 6 Carrots
An Onion (Chopped)
6 cups of Chicken Broth
Leftover chicken pieces from last night's dinner
1/2 pkg of Soba noodles (this is what gives the Ramen feel)

Directions are very easy:

Boil the broth. Add clean, chopped carrots and onion and let boil for about 9 min-10 min or until the carrots are tender. Add the Soba noodles and simmer for about 2 min. Lastly, add the cooked chicken and serve. Simple as that and perfect on a fall, winter or sick day.

A side note- Some studies have shown, it is not a myth, that soup can actually make you feel better!

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