
Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Nephew Logan: A Rare Gem

This is Logan

If you don’t know him, YOU are truly missing out on knowing one of the most remarkable little boys there is! Logan was born with a rare syndrome called Cri du chat aka Cry of the Cat. It is caused by a deletion on the short arm of chromosome 5. This affects an estimated 1 in 50,000 newborns. Some of the symptoms include: cat-like-cry, low birth weight, poor growth, several problems occur inside the body, as well. A small number of children have heart defects, muscular or skeletal problems, hearing or sight problems, or poor muscle tone. As they grow, people with cri-du-chat usually have difficulty walking and talking correctly. Info found here: This link has great information on the syndrome, if anyone wants to read more.

Logan will be having major surgery on his hips this coming Thursday, November the 3rd and will have to be in a cast from the waist down for about month. I am asking everyone that reads this to please keep him and my brother, Rusty, in your prayers next week! I think Logan is such an astounding and special gift from God. He has truly blessed and brought my life so much joy. Whenever I see him, he has a way with making me so happy, no matter what my mood. He was created exactly the way God wanted him and he has already affected many, in the short 6 years of his life. I know that Logan was brought into my family because God knew that, my brother especially, would be able to take such incredible care of him. Logan recently participated in the “Smokey Bear Run” at Bass Lake and received 1st place! He currently lives at my family’s ranch in Coarsegold, with his dad, Rusty. Logan attends school at Coarsegold Elementary, where there are 4 special education programs: Behavior Intervention K-8th, then 3 moderate/severe disability classes: Preschool/Kindergarten, 1st-4th grades, and 5th-8th grades. Logan is in the 1st-4th class. He currently has 9 kids in his class and receives OT & PT once a week at school. Logan also brought his previous teacher, Amanda Hinkle into our lives, who is amazing with Logan and also my brother’s Girlfriend.

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