
Friday, October 28, 2011

Hello, From My Pink Lips!

So this is going to be my temporary blog, until my superman, graphic designer, husband can create me a fabulous one- when he has a break from school in December! Until then...welcome to this blog! I’ve wanted to do a personal blog for some time now, but my life just hasn't been allowing it. I’ve done a personal wedding blog- that was extremely LAME. I think we only put up one or two posts during our entire engagement….and then I’ve done a work blog- exactly as it sounds, work. However, I did get to write about pretty much whatever "wedding stuff" I wanted, its just not the same when you HAVE to do something. That being said, I’m really eager to get to write about whatever I want! I think having my own blog will help me express some creativeness, thoughts and hopefully stay connected with family and friends who I don’t get to see often. I also find it socially difficult being around children all day, as there are not many substantial conversations. Hopefully this will help prevent me from talking my hubby buns ear off when I get home from work!

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