
Friday, November 4, 2011

Stop calling me Stick!

For my entire life I have been skinny...and no, this is not a post about me bragging saying; ha ha I’m skinny and better then you”. There are just some things I want to point out that I don’t think is talked about from “our” side. God has chosen to given me a very fast metabolism and throughout my life, I have dealt with issues of not being able to gain enough weight. For whatever reason my body just doesn’t want to receive extra weight. I do eat, a lot actually, and this really upsets some people. I understand that the majority of people deem “skinny” people as better or more beautiful, but I believe that we are all created equal, not matter what our weight. I think that most of us have self image issues; I would like to gain a little weight, but cant...some want to loose a little weight, but cant, the list goes on.

I get called names often. I want to write about this because I don’t think people realize they are insults. Stick. Skin & Bones. Skeleton. Beanpole. Twiggy. Anorexic. I don’t know about you, but these all sound like mean names to me. I have feelings too and don’t know how anyone can consider these names as flattering. Just as a person overweight would not want to be called Fat or Tubby, as they are insults. Being too skinny also comes with health problems, just as someone who is overweight might have health problems.I think that we all need to be a little more sensitive to what we say to one another. We ALL have feelings and should respect one another and should STOP with the name-calling! I am thankful for the way God made me and you should be thankful for the way he made you.

Awhile ago, I came across this website; editor of the movement, Caitlin, states "The mission of Operation Beautiful is to post anonymous notes in public places for other women to find. The point is that WE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL. You are enough... just the way you are!"

Below is mine:

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