
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Start Something That Matters: TOMS Book Giveaway!!!!

Recently, I applied to TOMS " Books For Bloggers Program" and was selected to read Blake Mycoskie's new book, "Start Something That Matters", give my review, and then give a copy away!
For those of you who don't know about TOMS(which I assume is few), it is a company whose motto is; One For One. They give a pair of shoes to a child in need, for every pair of shoes that is purchased. They now, also do the same with their sunglasses and books.
I personally, spotted TOMS a little over 4 years ago at a local store. I was drawn to the simple, yet trendy, style of the shoes- back then they only had a few options of colors. Once I found out what they actually were and realized I could be helping a child in need for purchasing them, I knew I had to have some. My husband ended up buying me my first pair for my birthday and have bought multiple pairs since then, as they now how many style of shoes and designs to choose from. I have been so inspired with the story of TOMS and what Blake has started, that is why I am honored to review his book and spread the word about the movement he's created. Blake took a simple idea, to help others in need, and has changed the world and lives of many. Its fabulous to have watched how far the company has come in just 5 years!
All I can say is that this book is seriously SO Inspiring and informative. Its a book for dreamers and go-getters! YOU can do something that matters in the world and this book gives great advice on how to get out there and accomplish your hopes, step by step. Its also very fascinating to find out details of how TOMS got started! and learn little facts like, why he even calls it TOMS-and no its not the founders name, like tons of people think:). I'm telling you this book can be life changing. If Blake can do something to make a difference in the world, why can't each of us?

So go ahead, leave a comment on why you should receive a free copy of his book to learn how you can make a difference in the world too! Also like
frommypinklips facebook page, you will get double entries for doing so:)The deadline to enter will be Midnight of December 16th and I will pick the winner on the December 17th. So spread the word!
Hope you win!!!! and enjoyed my little TOMS photo shoot :)


  1. Absolutely love books like this! I always watch Oprah's Life Class to try and figure out ways to make a difference in the world or in someones life. I believe (like Oprah so often preaches) that we all have a purpose and I hope that one day my life will serve this world and make a difference! Inspiration comes from so many places, but it's nice to sit and read or hear about other people's journeys through that process! Love it!

  2. YES Let!I knew I could count on you.... So far you are 2 entries ahead of everyone else;) haha Love you!

  3. Love you too! I think what you're doing is great! I'm a huge fan! :D

  4. Awh! Thank you:) I am happy to know at least ONE person out there supports me!ha ha and at this rate-you have some good odds of winning!!!Keep watch.

  5. Just started reading this I picked up from the library....LOVE IT and I am only on page 32. I can't wait to finish. It is so inspiring! -- Beth

  6. Beth- I completely agree about how inspiring Blake's "story" is, I couldn't put the book down!!!:)I want to re-read it again... and how awesome is that, that your library had it?! Thanks for reading my post!

  7. i would love to win this for my mom. she saw him on Ellen and fell in love with the idea.

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  8. Shooting Stars Mag- Thanks for entering! I didn't see that Ellen! I'll have to see if I can watch it online somewhere. Yeah, Blake is really an extraordinary person! I'm excited to see what else he does with TOMS.

  9. I love TOMS. I love the design of the shoe itself and the design of the company. In addition, I am a business major and dream of opening my own business someday. I would love to use Blake's company as a model. I haven't read the book, but I would love to!!

  10. Woo whoo! Another entry...there's a competition on now! You will absolutely LOVE this book Sarah and how awesome that's your major! I'm sure you will be very successful.

  11. I LOVE Toms! My kids LOVE Toms...we all LOVE Toms, LOL!!! To top it off, I think the guy (Blake) behind Toms is an amazing businessman. Would love to read his book! Oh yeah, and I LOVE your blog too! :) :)

  12. Thank you so much Charity! I'm so happy you entered! You will defiantly be even more inspired by his business suave and like him even more after reading this book!
