
Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 12:Bundling up my doggy daughter!

This is the ONLY time the hubs will let me play dress up with our doggy daughter and that's only because it is actually cold outside and she gets chilly just like us! In fact, she has been known to lounge in front of the heater for hours... She totally loves the extra attention and being all snuggled up(I'm actually not telling the truth-she hates the scarf!)Hubsman and I always have some fun adding commentary to her daily routines.

Our photo shoot below will illustrate her enthusiasm!

"How do you think I should sit and should I be looking AT the camera?"

"Hows this angle, is my neck fat showing?"

"Oh whoops!Sorry, I blinked-redo"

"Dad, you keep taking the photo when I'm not ready"

"Okay, now I think we're getting closer to my perfect shot"

"This ones soo it, even in black and white"

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