
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day 4: How lovely are your branches!

I come from a family where we would make a full day of going to pick out our Christmas tree and decorate, year after year. We would always go to a certain "fun filled" farm, where you cut it down, sip hot cocoa, and go on hay rides- that is until they closed it! However, we still go every year, as a family to go get my parents tree, even though us kids are all grown.

This is the 3rd year, getting mine and Nick's Christmas tree, and is one of my favorite traditions of the season! We usually get ours the weekend after Thanksgiving- its something to enjoy the entire month and we want to soak up every second there is! Pulling out all the lights and sentimental ornaments to decorate with, then plugging in the lights to see everything lit up, just makes everything seem so magical. I know lots of people who get fake trees, but I just can't. There is something about a fresh Christmas tree and the smell, that beckons me year after year to get a real one!


  1. Awh, Aff!We love you too. It has been so long my friend! Hope you are enjoying this wonderful time of year!:) Would love to get together and catch up sometime.
