
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 2: Fleece Sheets & Day 3: Hot Cocoa & Hot Apple Cider

I ended up getting really sick yesterday with the flu and was unable to put up my day 2 post! So I will just combine yesterday's and today's posts.

Day 2: Fleece Sheets!

I think we all have seen micro fleece blankets, but sheets, was a first time for me! They ended up being one of the BEST purchases I have ever made. I don't know about you, but I can't stand getting into cold sheets during the winter. I've used to just use flannel, until I found the micro fleece ones a few years ago at Target. These work sooo much better then flannel and are so comfy and cozy... My husband is even in love with them!
(Excuse my wrinkles)

Day 3: Hot Cocoa & Hot Apple Cider

As much as I LOVE coffee-there is just something about curling up in the living room, next to our Christmas tree, relaxing, and enjoying a cup of hot chocolate (with whipped cream) or hot apple cider, that makes it really feel like the holidays. I think it reminds me of when I was a little girl with no worries, sitting next to my grandpa and grandma around their fireplace(the only thing that really remains from their house). They would sit, drink their coffee, while talking about how great life was. They would always make me hot chocolate because I didn't have the acquired taste for coffee yet. Those were some great times in my life, some that I long for again deep down. Its funny how one simple thing can trigger an emotion of memories.

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