
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The house is OURS!!!!!!!

I can't believe I am actually saying these words, but the house is officially mine and Nick's! God is soo good and his timing is always perfect. We have been waiting since the beginning of August for our house and it has paid off! I can't even begin to describe all the emotional ups and downs there has been, but am thankful to have finally closed on it and we get the keys at 10:00 tomorrow!


  1. I can't wait to see the inside! Congrats! God's timing is always perfect!

  2. haha I can't wait to take a million pics and get to fix it up! Thank you so much Teryn! Its seriously a miracle it went through.. A long story I will write about sometime!I'm just in complete shock it went through still... his timing really is!and I happen to have off until next Tuesday, the timing couldn't be more perfect then that I'd say!:)
