
Friday, December 23, 2011

An update on my Mom!

If you haven't heard, my mom Joani Tucker, had a heart attack on Tuesday morning, shortly after arriving to her work at Valley Childrens. I received a call from one of her coworkers telling my that my mom had passed out and they did not know what was going on. She informed me they called 911 and an ambulance was on the way to take her to Clovis Community Hospital. Apparently they decided they could not make it all the way to Clovis, so they turned around and took her to the closest hospital available, St. Angus. Where a doctor in charge of the entire cardiac department was waiting to do surgery on her. They found a blockage in a coronary artery, so they put a balloon stint in the main artery and in 2-3 weeks will have to do two more surgeries on two of her other arteries. As of today, she is still in the hospital and is saying they will let to go home today!But then again, my mom might just be telling me that:), we will see shortly! Please continue to pray for her recovery, upcoming surgeries and our family. This has been a very scary thing for us all. There is already so much going on this time of year; for us its been trying to buy a house, survive Christmas craziness, and then add Mom almost dying to the mix, is VERY overwhelming. We appreciate all the love, prayer and support from everyone. We know that something good will come from this and we truly thank God for sparing her life. Hopefully this will be a wake up call for some of us. Please don't take a second of your life for granted, make time to take care of YOURSELF over your kids or whoever! Try to eat a little healthier and go on a bike ride or something! Don't take a second for granted with family either, you NEVER know when something might change. I can't imagine loosing my mom and this was a big scare. We all need our mommies around for a long time, I talk to mine 2-3 times a day! So please, this Christmas make sure you enjoy every second as much as you can and try not to stress, its very bad on your heart!!!I am being lectured on this one myself:)

After all this, sort of put a halt to many things I had planned this season, including my 25 days of Christmas posts! So I am genuinely sorry anyone who was reading them, I was enjoying posting. Hopefully we can all start up a new year fresh and plan to take on a little less stress!

1 comment:

  1. Will definitely keep you and your family in my prayers! Love you!
